Tibber Pulse keeps stopping

(note: I realize this might be considered off-topic, so fully understand if this gets moved or closed, though hope it may exist for a while as someone on here might be able to help.)

My Tibber Pulse device stops working every fifteen minutes or so. The pulsating blue LED on the device will change into a blinking red LED. After a while, it changes to white and finally back to blue again, which seems to indicate that Pulse has rebooted itself. Once rebooted, everything works for fifteen minutes before the same happens over and over.

The red LED appears to mean that Pulse has lost its connection the internet, but given that Pulse and the Wifi AP have a clear line of sight within a meter or so, that shouldn’t be the issue. Instead, it seems to me that Pulse is crashing all the time.

So far, Tibber support hasn’t been helpful. They sent me a new Pulse device, which exhibits the same behavior. They also recommended connecting Pulse to additional USB power, which didn’t make a difference either. In the meantime, I happened to have moved house, where there’s a smart meter from a different brand compare to the old house, but again - no difference.

There appears to be no logging available for end-users on the Pulse device, so I’m a bit in the dark here. Is there anyone with a similar experience and perhaps some pointers on how to solve this?