TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

Hi @resoai,

Can you tell if it’s possible to use a custom tile for navigation to specific page and to specific group?
I want to use custom tile for navigation instead of menu.


Hey guys,

Just after some quick advice as I’ve been unable find an answer in this thread.

I’ve got 2 Sensors, temp and humidity and looking to display on the one Tile, I can’t figure this 10 second job out.

Hey, can you please show me your config to get Temp and Humidity on the same tile?
Having some issues myself.

sure, here is it:

          position: [1, 0],
          type: TYPES.SENSOR,
          title: 'Outside',
          subtitle: "Temperature",
          id: 'sensor.temperature_158d0001d71234',
          unit: 'C', // override default entity unit
          state: 'Humidity: &sensor.humidity_158d0001d71234.state%',
          filter: function (value) { // optional
             var num = parseFloat(value);
             return num && !isNaN(num) ? num.toFixed(1) : value;

this is what I have for both Temperature and Humidity on same tile.


                 position: [0, 2],
                 width: 1,
                 height: 1,
                 title: 'Garage Condition',
                 id: {}, // since we are binding each list item to different sensor, so we simply use an empty object
                 type: TYPES.TEXT_LIST,
                 state: false,
                 list: [
                       //title: 'Temperature',
                       icon: 'mdi-thermometer',
                       value: '&sensor.tele_temperature.state' + '&sensor.tele_temperature.attributes.unit_of_measurement'
                       //title: 'Humidity',
                       icon: 'mdi-water-percent',
                       value: '&sensor.tele_humidity.state' +  '&sensor.tele_humidity.attributes.unit_of_measurement'
  position: [1, 5],
  title: 'Lights',
  id: { },
  icon: 'mdi-lightbulb-outline',
  action: function(e) {

I figured out the fault, I have give the code in my yaml configuration and that made keypad hidden. so all we need to do is to leave code attribute blank.

now code_format = Number

I have also included keypad sensor status into title of Alarm tile to make sure system is ready to arm/disarm.


in Config.js - title: ‘Home Alarm’ + ’ - ’ + ‘&sensor.home_alarm_keypad.state’,

Hi, if I try to open the tileboard on my fire tablet it just shows a “System Error”. Any idea what to do?


Excellent, thanks.

Can you tell if it’s possible to scroll not only to specific page but also to specific group (I’m using it on mobile)?

I have it like this:

1 Like

No, but it would be easy to do. I would still stick with one group for mobile devices.

It will be very nice to have, in my use-case I do have more than one group per page on my mobile…


I can access it in the dev-tools template like this:
{{states.weather.smhi_home.attributes.forecast[0].temperature}} which gives the temperature.

In the weather_list-tile I try to set the value to:
&states.weather.smhi_home.attributes.forecast[0].temperature which does does not give the value, but that exact string.

&weather.smhi_home.attributes.forecast[0] without the “states.” only gives the value as [Object object][Object object].

There’s something I’m missing in how to reference the values in templates? One solution would be to create template sensors, but that would be too many for weather_list.

Thanks for a great project! Just what I was looking for after trying out a bunch of them.

I’m using DOOR_ENTRY tile with background from my camera (see below)

Is it possible to set refresh rate for this entity as well like for CAMERA or CAMERA_THUMBNAIL?

              position: [0, 2],
              type: TYPES.DOOR_ENTRY,
              id: {},
              bg: '&camera.mycam.attributes.entity_picture',
              title: 'MyCam',
              refresh: 1500, // How to refresh?

Thank you, worked a treat.

Hey guys,

Another beginner question sorry, I’m using the darksky and all is working on Home Assistant although on Tileboard i cannot display as i’m getting a missing “group.weather” error.

Can someone please explain how to add/create the weather group, I’m using default everything from the Examples page.

Thank you

You can try adding something like this to the URL of the camera image:

'&iterator=' + Math.ceil(Date.now() / 100 / 100000);

You need to make sure you use darksry sensor and not weather.

Thanks Resoai,

This is the settings in config.js, everything else seems to be ok as i can see the data in Home Assistant but not in Tileboard.

I’ve also attached the error i get.Capture


                 position: [6, 0],
                 height: 2,
                 width: 2,
                 //classes: ['-compact'], // enable this if you want a little square tile (1x1)
                 type: TYPES.WEATHER,
                 id: 'weather.dark_sky',
                 state: '&sensor.dark_sky_summary.state', // label with weather summary (e.g. Sunny)
                 icon: '&sensor.dark_sky_icon.state',
                 //iconImage: '&sensor.dark_sky_icon.state', // use this one if you want to replace icon with image
                 icons: {
                    'clear-day': 'clear',
                    'clear-night': 'nt-clear',
                    'cloudy': 'cloudy',
                    'rain': 'rain',
                    'sleet': 'sleet',
                    'snow': 'snow',
                    'wind': 'hazy',
                    'fog': 'fog',
                    'partly-cloudy-day': 'partlycloudy',
                    'partly-cloudy-night': 'nt-partlycloudy'
                 fields: { // most of that fields are optional
                    summary: '&sensor.dark_sky_summary.state',
                    temperature: '&sensor.dark_sky_temperature.state',
                    temperatureUnit: '&sensor.dark_sky_temperature.attributes.unit_of_measurement',
                    windSpeed: '&sensor.dark_sky_wind_speed.state',
                    windSpeedUnit: '&sensor.dark_sky_wind_speed.attributes.unit_of_measurement',
                    humidity: '&sensor.dark_sky_humidity.state',
                    humidityUnit: '&sensor.dark_sky_humidity.attributes.unit_of_measurement',
                    list: [
                       // custom line
                       'Feels like '
                          + '&sensor.dark_sky_apparent_temperature.state'
                          + '&sensor.dark_sky_apparent_temperature.attributes.unit_of_measurement',
                       // another custom line
                       'Pressure '
                          + '&sensor.dark_sky_pressure.state'
                          + '&sensor.dark_sky_pressure.attributes.unit_of_measurement',
                       // yet another custom line
                          + '&sensor.dark_sky_precip_probability.attributes.unit_of_measurement'
                          + ' chance of rain'

Nope, not working at all.
Any chance you give the entire example (including some sample camera url)?

Also I have dynamic colors depends on value, like below. How it can be refreshed as well?

customStyles: function(item, entity){
                     if (Number(entity.state) > 2) {
                     return {'color': 'red',
