TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

Hello all and thanks to resoai for his excellent work!

I am trying to arm alarm when click on alarm tile and only show the pop-up alarm if the status is different to “disarmed”. I have made the following modification in main.js but it doen’t work.

Please, can anybody help me? I am just beginning with Tile Board.

$scope.entityClick = function (page, item, entity) {
switch (item.type) {

     case TYPES.ALARM: 
        if (entity.state != "disarmed")
           return $scope.openAlarm(item, entity);
        return $scope.actionAlarm("alarm_arm_away", activeAlarm, alarmEntity);




I’ve finally got it to work with the following code:

     case TYPES.ALARM: 
        if (entity.state != "disarmed")
           return $scope.openAlarm(item, entity);
        $scope.alarmCode = "1234";
        return $scope.actionAlarm('alarm_arm_away', item, entity);

hi guys, can someone post the code to turn on the ac. Ac is under climate. Turn it off. Extra functions like change the AC type : heat , cold … ect…

Love this HA tileboard

hi Mr @resoai. How to “format” the sensor value to a “Text Description”? For example I would like to show a temperature sensor when the value is below 26, replace the value 26 to comfortable or hight than 28 shows a text Hot something like that. I have successfully make the value changing its color based for the reading, but I have never managed to “mapping” a text to a value, could u please guide me through this? Thank you!


Can anybody tell me if there is a way to change de background color of a tile depending on the state?

Climate tile does not support turning it on or off atm. If it is on, are you able to change operation mode via the tile?

You can define customStyles as a function and return the object containing backgroundColor or any other styles depending on the state. There are a few examples of it in this thread.

Are we talking about SENSOR tile type? If yes, you could use format: function(value){…} and return whatever value you need.

I would suggest checking not for exact value but >= and <=

Thank you very much!!
I will try.

@TheOncomingAutomatio did you figure out how to make this work?

“screensaver: {
timeout: 5, // 5 seconds for testing
slidesTimeout: 1, // update slide once per second
slides: [
{bg: function(item, entity) {
return ‘http://MY_CAMERA_ADDRESS/jpg/image.jpg?size=3’ +”&iterator=" + Math.ceil(Date.now() / 100 / 100000);

slides: [{
   bg: 'http://MY_CAMERA_ADDRESS/jpg/image.jpg?size=3' + '&iterator=' + Math.ceil(Date.now() / 100 / 100000)

Hi resoai, for the moment what I have done is add the sensor as a switch. So I can turn on the AC. But once I turn on I can’t turn it off.

No when it’s on what I can do is up and down the fan speed and I can see other functions like Cool , fan mode… ect but can’t change. My setup is AC linked to Sensibo access point.

this is my code

position: [0, 1],
id: “climate.bedroom_ac”,
unit: ‘C’,
state: function (item, entity) {
return 'Room Temp ’
+ entity.attributes.current_temperature

                    position: [1, 1],
                    type: TYPES.SWITCH,
                    id: 'climate.bedroom_ac',
                    title: 'Main Bedroom A/C',
                    states: {
                        on: "On",
                        off: "Off"
                    icons: {
                        on: "mdi-fan",
                        off: "mdi-fan-off",
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Sorry same time how can i add this code to tile board.

this will tell me the how many mins for next train

  • platform: transport_nsw
    name: Glfd to City
    stopid: 216761
    apikey: XXXXXXXXX

I don’t see the state dump of your AC so I can’t comment really…

Go to dev-tools and fine whatever sensors this code publishes and use them in text_list

I’ve build a TileBoar, which I run og two 7" tablets.
So i you for inspiration would like to see it, you can check out the 4 min. video

Here is a few pictures.


What’s the best resource for checking the js file format for errors? Struggling big time with getting anything to work beyond a basic sensor without crashing my whole dashboard. Trying jshint in Atom but it keeps coming up with (jshint) errors. Same add-on in NP++ does not seem to do anything as removing a comma at the end of a section reports no error.

That’s great, would be more helpful if I could see the whole config

It’s not possible to upload javascript files. If you need something specific, I can paste the code here. Otherwise I can email you config.js file

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