Time format for history etc

Is there any option for the configuration.yaml, to tell Hassio to use the 24-hour (military time), and not the 12-hour display?

Pick yours from here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones
time_zone: Europe/Oslo
time_format: ???

Also want to know how to change from 12 hour to 24 hour format.

From my log:
11:59 PM Time changed to 23:59

I’m curious what causes the time in Hassio to be shown as am/pm, but any sensors added by me display 24-hour display. Do you guys have the same experience?

Yes can confirm the same issue. So this must be a bug :slight_smile:

I have the same issue since I run update to 0.64.*

@Dennis87 I don’t see a bug here. History or Logger does not have a time_format:

The bottom graph is most likely based on your system time. Try changing your system time to 24 hr format. If that doesn’t work, then this could be a good feature request.


System time is 24h format and sensor.time, logs etc. show the correct time format.

Only history and logbook is wrong. Using latest version of hass.io

It isn’t wrong though. I use my history book every week to verify my time in/out at work. It has been 12 hr am/pm format since 0.34. I know this because I have to convert my time to 24 hr when inputting my time sheet. You’re welcome to argue all you want, but nothing has changed…

Very strange the time was shown in 24 hour format before for about 1 month ago? I I have not changed anything on the install as I have just upgraded. Maybe a hass.io system time issue. It did happen after one of the upgrades but I don’t remember exactly when. Was around update 0.60+. My time_date sensors show the time in 24h format.


The 24-hour format in history is back with Home Assistant
0.65.3 :slight_smile:


Hmm Still not correct on my Hass.io install running 0.65.3 :confused:

As I said before, I am pretty sure it pulls the time from the device that the HA is on. If you are using a database on a different device, it depends on that device. This is using data from a SQL look up (history or record component), and that is most likely coming up with the dates and times.

Found the issue. My browser setting was US English :stuck_out_tongue: Did change to UK English and show correct now. So this must be a change done so it show time format based on browser locale.

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Had the same issue and found a solution

  • system time was already on EN(UK) with 24h time setup
  • browser the same
  • HomeAssistant still showed AM/PM in History graphs

Then I went on my profile page in HomeAssistant and changed English to English(UK).

EDIT: oops … now I see I replied to a three year old post … Please forgive me.


@Orvo300 thank you. Even if it was after 3 years… it has helped me to find what I was looking for quickly !

I say the same :slight_smile:Find a quick solution to my 24hrs issue!