TKB Home TSM01 issue with unit of measurement


I have TKB Home TSM01 sensor.

I installed it and started to work. From yesterday it is returning the value in fahrenit. How can I switch it.

As you can see in this picture, it was celcius at the beginning:

Also do you know why it is not ploating the value?

I added the device through “Configuration -> Z-Wave” and not directly from “Configuration.yaml”.

In the configuration.yaml I defined:

  customize: !include customize.yaml
  unit_system: metric

and in the customize.yaml I have:

  friendly_name: EntranceSensor - Temperature
  icon: mdi:temperature-celsius
  unit_of_measurement: °C
  icon: mdi:run

The manual that came with the device will tell you how to change the unit it’s reporting in.

You can then use the Z-Wave control panel to make that change. Select the device under Z-Wave Node Management then scroll down to Node config options.

There is no way to set the unit:

It was working in celcius and it changed automatically

The change was on the device, not in Home Assistant, so it must have a feature - even if Home Assistant doesn’t list it in the UI.

Check the manual for it.

It’s the dropdown box below that one called “Config Parameter” that you need to set correctly. Not the Node Values.

The manual is useless and there is nothing listed on the zwavealliance website. This is rather poor form on the part of the manufacturer. Hopefully openzwave have some hints in that dropdown box for you.

@tom_l yes as you said I opened the dropdown of the “Config Prameter”. The image I attached is the dropdown list that openes when you click “Check Parameter”, but there isn’t a unit of measurement.

As you said there is nothing about it in the hint paper. I also mailed them but no reply.

I found this description.

If I do not want to affect other values, I can send this bit right?: 001001

I got this error message:
Failed to call service zwave/set_config_parameter. value too large to convert to uint8_t