TKB TZ69 smart meter socket does not report power usage

I have a TZ69 which seems to have stopped reporting power consumption figures. This has worked in the past, so I believe the hardware is OK, especially since the hardware includes, excludes, interviews and behaves correctly in all other respects.

I have tracked this back as far as the debug logs in zwaveJS2MQTT which show that the update messages are being received from the device, and the frequency that they arrive changes appropriately when the relevant config parameter is updated, but they always show ‘0’ for instantaneous and cumulative power consumption.

2023-10-17T17:08:45.618Z - VALUE UPDATED
Arg 0:
└─commandClassName: Meter
└─commandClass: 50
└─property: value
└─propertyKey: 66049
└─endpoint: 0
└─newValue: 0
└─prevValue: 0
└─propertyName: value
└─propertyKeyName: Electric_W_Consumed

I don’t think this is a Home Assistant issue, since it’s correctly reflecting the data received by ZWaveJS, but I’m a bit stumped with what to try so I thought I’d ask in case anyone has seen something similar. I have tried excluding both via the controller and with the hardware switch on the device a couple of times, but it’s come back the exact same way.

Some context on the ‘hardware works’ point : last time I know this was working was about a year ago - I had some issues with my whole Z Wave network and basically abandoned it for a year. I recently picked it up and found that a controller bug was the problem. I updated the firmware and the network appears to work very well now - however a number of nodes had gone dead in the interim including this power meter switch. Re-including it was when I noticed this issue.

Any tips are appreciated, I’m at a bit of a dead end!

As you’ve implied, Z-wave device parameters 3,4,5,6 all influence how power reporting is done for this device. What values do you have in those parameters of the device?

I’m assuming something is plugged in and consuming power (the 0 being reported isn’t accurate)?

What entites are associated with the device in the Z-wave Integrations page? Are you sure the power entities aren’t disabled by default?

Thanks for replying.

As you’ve implied, Z-wave device parameters 3,4,5,6 all influence how power reporting is done for this device. What values do you have in those parameters of the device?

Note that in testing I turned parameter 3 down as low as 3 (so one report every 15 seconds) and the device did send reports accordingly (they just all have the value ‘0’). I have turned the value back up since to avoid flooding the network with pointless messages.

I’m assuming something is plugged in and consuming power (the 0 being reported isn’t accurate)?

Yes. Used a hair dryer to make sure there would be a noteworthy load.

What entites are associated with the device in the Z-wave Integrations page?

Home Assistant is correctly creating entities to represent the data it’s receiving from ZwaveJS2MQTT, the problem is upstream - ZwaveJS is not showing correct data.

Are you sure the power entities aren’t disabled by default?

Strictly speaking no, I’m not - it was some time ago now that I set this up and got it working originally and it’s possible I did something to get it working. If there was something it’s not obvious though; this device only has a single button, very few configuration parameters and the manual doesn’t mention anything ( - manufacturer manual linked from that page)

Sounds like the device’s power metering is broken. If it’s consistently reporting 0, and that reporting changes as you change the reporting parameters, I don’t see how software could be at fault.

Yeah, I can’t come up with any other explanation either. Just seems odd for a solid state device to spontaneously fail, and only in part of its function. Maybe I’ll take it to pieces and see if I can see an explanation.