I’ve read dozens of posts related to this topic, and I’ve tried many things. According to multiple posts, the following syntax should work … but it is not working for me. I’m obviously missing something …
Unfortunately, this is how the sensor displays on the front-end:
I hope someone can tell me what I’m doing wrong…
The first part of my configuration.yaml file is listed below … in case the problem is somewhere in there.
# configuration.yaml #
name: Home # Name of the location where Home Assistant is running
latitude: !secret latitude # Location required to calculate the time the sun rises and sets
longitude: !secret longitude
elevation: 75 # Impacts weather/sunrise data (altitude above sea level in meters)
unit_system: imperial # (metric or imperial)
time_zone: America/Chicago # Pick yours from here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones
# included yaml files #
customize: !include customize.yaml
group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
sensor: !include sensors.yaml
binary_sensor: !include binary_sensors.yaml
#media_player: !include media_players.yaml
# optional components #
#introduction: # Show links to resources in log and frontend
config: # Enables configuration UI
updater: # Checks for available updates
api: # Enables the API
cloud: # Cloud
conversation: # Allows you to issue voice commands from the frontend in enabled browsers
#discovery: # Discover some devices automatically
history: # Enables support for tracking state changes over time
logbook: # View all events in a logbook
#map: # Enables a map showing the location of tracked devices
sun: Track the sun
# frontend #
- /local/custom_ui/state-card-hline.html
- /local/custom_ui/state-card-hline_es5.html
Is that a copy-paste error or does your configuration.yaml really have _two spaces in front of customize: !include customize.yaml? If they really are there, remove them. (My mistake)
Your templates section looks fine to me.
Unrelated to your question but I noticed you have retain: true in the sensor’s configuration. That’s an invalid option for an MQTT Sensor (check the documentation). Sensors receive data from the MQTT Broker, they don’t publish to it (retain is for publishing, not subscribing). Versions prior to 0.87 will just ignore invalid options but 0.87+ will flag them and refuse to load the entity.
The two spaces are required because customize: must be declared within homeassistant:. The other optional components are declared outside of homeassistant:. This tripped me up when I reorganized the default configuration.yaml file.
Thanks for the tip about the retain: true lines. I saw this in some sample code and I wondered why it was there… I thought it might be telling HA that the MQTT broker was retaining the message … which it is in this case. Now, I know that’s not the case, so I will remove those lines from my MQTT sensors.
Doh! You’re right! I just checked my config and it’s indented under homeassistant:
I assumed you were using Custom UI but apparently you are not. I have it installed (installation is easy) and it allows you (among many other things) to customize how icons, and their colors, behave dynamically. Here’s an example from my own configuration in customize.yaml:
icon: >
if (state === 'heat') return 'mdi:fire';
if (state === 'cool') return 'mdi:snowflake';
if (state === 'auto') return 'mdi:autorenew';
if (state === 'idle') return 'mdi:sleep';
return 'mdi:power-off';
icon_color: >
if (state === 'heat') return 'red';
if (state === 'cool') return 'blue';
if (state === 'auto') return 'green';
if (state === 'idle') return 'black';
My garage door controller returns multiple states “closed”, “opening”, “open”, “closing”, “stopped”, and “unknown”, so I don’t want a binary_sensor for this purpose. That said, I did create this binary_sensor to reflect the “closed” and “not-closed” states with the hope that I could use it to trigger automations. That binary_sensor displays perfectly, and my automation works perfectly with I trigger it manually, but I have been unable to trigger the automation from the binary_sensor. Do you see anything wrong with the following?
My reluctance to install something like custom_ui is that everything I install may need to be updated or even removed at some point. I come from a background where each module has an install and an uninstall, and where updates can be backed out easily. I don’t see that in the Home Assistant ecosystem.
Thanks for publishing your thermostat logic. That adds weight to the argument for installing custom_ui.
My doorsensor send only out one signal for open as for close. == 101
how can use this for automation.
So default state would be closed if window is openend (signal is send) switch toggle.
And if the window is being closed (signal is send again) switch toggle.
Within this example it would be open when the first is send and closed when the second is send.
any ideas how integrate this within home assistant?