Hi - I am new to HA and just configured TC. I enabled all of the sensors in TC and I got it working in HA but it is super laggy. In HomeKit, if I open a door, it is instant (thus allowing me to create a light automation).
In HA, the state of the door takes about a minute to update, making it useless for automating a light to go on when a door opens.
Am I doing something wrong? Or is this the way it is.
Really hoping this can be instant!
Thanks to anyone who can help/point me in the right direction.
I have the latest and greatest Honeywell LTE/Internet interface box on my alarm system, and even the TC2 smartphone app is frustratingly laggy trying to do simple things in the app. (I use AlarmDecoder for local/remote access and HA integration, and only have TC2 enabled because my alarm company uses it on occasion for remote configuration.)
If your alarm company has your system dialing out over analog phone, it would be more or less unusable for reading the contact sensors in a timely fashion. If they have not upgraded your interface box from the sunsetted 3G one to the new LTE one, it is probably a miracle that it works at all with AT&T shutting down their 3G stuff starting last February…
I have the latest lyric alarm system on WiFi with LTE back up.
It’s instant - and I mean instant - in HomeKit showing the sensors opening and closing.
I’m starting to get pretty down on HA.
Looking for help:
My AlarmDecoder works fine when connected to a PC. It arms/disarms and is set to CON ADR 18.
When connected to HA through a Pi4 USB, it won’t arm/disarm using HA’s alarm keypad. I’ve tried typing in the 4 digit code and clicking Home or Away; I’ve tried clicking the numbers for the 4 digit code and clicking Home or Away; I’ve tried typing or clicking the code plus ‘3’ (like you do on a real keypad)
The real keypads work fine.
Alarm Decoder shows the Arm/Disarm state when a keypad is used. Alarm Decoder shows all of it sensor states and these can trigger automations (motion sensor to turn on lights, for instance). The tripped alarm state shows up on HA as well and it sends a signal to my phone.
I simply can’t arm/disarm from HA. HA is up-to-date.