Hi there, I’ve successfully followed the instructions and installed HA on a Raspberry Pi 4B and I can connect to it and so on. I already have four Broadlink SP2-UK smart sockets and I use them with the Broadlink Android app. Now I’d like to control them with HA.
I’ve decided I’ll just get one working and go from there but I’m failing at the first hurdle. HA doesn’t detect them automatically so I’ve tried adding them manually. HA asks for “host” which I’ve assumed is the IP address of the socket. I haven’t set a specific IP via my (Virgin hub) router but I found which IP it was by unplugging it and seeing which vanished from the table of connected devices. It’s a shame some kind of identity for SP2 sockets isn’t displayed by the router but never mind.
Using this IP address (maybe it should be set via the MAC address to something specific?) I get a failure, the socket is not being detected.
Help! What am I doing wrong, or not doing at all? Tread carefully I’m over a certain age and totally new to this although I used to be an embedded software engineer using assembler code in my former career but we never touched on anything like this (loads of assembler and C though…).
Many thanks, Mark