Tracker for WearOS app


I wonder, if you consider to integrate tracker into WearOS app. It seems the tracker is already there, but it doesn’t work. If so, is there any estimation, when it could be available?

This feature will be very appreciated.

Thank you for great work with Home Assistant


no estimations but we need to do some considerations regarding the device tracker, I dont think using the device tracker with the same setup from teh phone makes sense. Updating once per minute will destroy a wearable battery. Also if the device is connected to the phone app then you dont need location tracking so we can save data there.

I use WearOS Smart Galaxy 4 watch without phone. Actually not me, but my daughter. We want to keep her away from phones as long as possible, on the other hand we want to have chance to contact her if necessary (on her way to/from school, or piano, dancing lessons). So the Galaxy Watch works just fine for that purpose. But I am not able implement her into HA. Not even nmap tracker, since the watch are not using home wifi most of the time. So possibility to use tracker will help, even if the update interval will be let say not once per minute, but slightly longer.

at what interval would you like them to be? also there will be geofencing which will result in faster updates coming into and out of zones in case that will make a difference :slight_smile:

If geofencing will force the update than I believe that 3 minutes as update interval will be ideal, 5 minutes still OK considering the battery life.

geofencing may force an update but the app is still susceptible to doze as no apps are allowed to ignore battery optimizations…so you may see delays upto an hour or longer between location updates. Would that still be feasible for you?

Honestly up to one hour delay makes this feature hardly usable. Do you think regular update interval set to 5 min will still have significant impact on battery life?

Interesting that you say that because we had a feature request submitted on GitHub and the user said 30 min to 1 hour is acceptable to them.

I have no idea but i can tell you that our sensorworker which runs on a 15 minute schedule can be delayed up to 45min or 1 hour. All apps on Wear OS are susceptible to doze, thats why fitness tracking and mapping apps keep the app open and screen on.

My idea, why I have stated that such a long update interval may be hardly usable is my use case. If I want know, if my 8 year old get to school in time and back home in the afternoon, 1 hour delay may be a problem. Also I have some automatization related to presents of my family members at home (eg. if nobody is at home, I get notification about every movement. It works just fine for other members using iphone tracker and nmap. I am afraid, that this would not work for my daughter with wearOS, if nmap is not usable for wearOS and tracker will update once per hour.

But don’t get me wrong, if 30min-1hour is the only possibility, it will still become handy for some scenarios.

btw. Honestly, I am starting to be sick of Galaxy Watch LTE, since they overheat a lot, once they are not connected to the phone and the LTE reception is not perfect. That is why I am considering to purchase second hand Apple Watch for my daughter instead.