TRADFRI Bulb turns on after being turned off

My IKEA Tradfri Bulb (LED2201G8 - TRADFRI bulb E27 WS globe 1055lm) has started turning back on every time I turn it off (seemingly because I turn it off):

It is also permanently stuck at 31% brightness, however I can still change the color temperature. It’s the only bulb I have at the moment and I have no automations or anything else running.

Has anyone else encountered this and is there a fix?

ZHA? Z2M? Some other integration?

I can only comment as to my experience with the IKEA Bulbs I recently discovered which work with my HA. I initially bought one Tradfri Light Bulb (E26) to see if it worked. I have a Pi 4 with an external Hard Drive and a CONBEE II Coordinator using the Zig-Bee Home Automation (ZHA) application. Both are “tethered” off of the Pi with USB Data cables and the CONBEE hangs off the back of my desk. Should you be using a Zig-Bee coordinator and you have it directly plugged into the back of your HA system, like a PI or other small board computer (SBC), you might try to tether it away with a USB data cable. The coordinator maybe too close to the computer you are running HA on which may be causing some signal interference, lag or drop-out. I ran into that when I upgraded to an external HD tethered into the back of my PI next to my USB Zig-Bee coordinator stick. Once I attached a USB data cable and moved it away from the Pi it works seamlessly. I now have about, three cheap Zig-bee wall plugs, a dozen Tradfri E26 bulbs and a handful of Tuya bulbs. I am going to replace the Tuya with more Tradfri bulbs, because the Tuya bulbs are a pain to set up “locally”. All working seamlessly with my HA system, and some of the bulbs are as far away as upstairs in a bathroom on the other side of the house. They all work very fast, seamlessly and have integrated into multiple automations no problem. Hope some of that helps and let us know how it works out, once you get it working.