Tradfri in 0.80 broken?

Hi Community

Since the update to Version 0.80 two of my tradfri bulbs are missing in HASS. They are still present in the Ikea Tradfri app (Bulps without controller).
In Hass only a battery sensor of the bulb is shown, but not the light.xxxx entity.

Anyone else has this problem?

No problems here, I have a number of Tradfri lights with and without steering devices (as Ikea calls them remotes/controllers to the rest of us), they all show as expected in HA and all controllable

HassOS 1.11, HA 0.80.1

I had a missing bulb as well. For some reason, the entity changed:

Current value:

Previous value:

It took me a few looks before I noticed the difference.

hmmm… E27 is the correct name for them as far as I know so I wonder why they were listed as e26?

I wonder if I have no issue as I named all of mine. All my Tradfri lights have names which match their Tradfri app ones like


I also have several types
TRADFRI bulb GU10 W 400lm (FW 1.2.214)
TRADFRI bulb E27 opal 1000lm (FW 1.2.214)
TRADFRI bulb E27 WS opal 980lm (FW 1.2.217)

Gateway E1526 (FW 1.4.15)

I have 4 ikea bulbs, but only two of them show up in Home Assistant. The 4 bulbs show up in the Ikea App.