Training RM4 remote

I’m trying to train the or commands on my RM4 but when I send the remote.learncommand service (from my phone app) nothing happens.

How can I troubleshoot if the service is being called and the command is getting sent?

Not much information here…

RM4 Mini (for IR commands) or RM4 Pro (also handles RF commands, which are learned slightly differently)?

You’ve installed the Broadlink integration successfully?

You’re using Developer Tools to learn commands? The docs are a bit confusing in that they suggest you should be putting stuff in configuration.yaml. This is not the best way to do it. Use Developer tools to launch the remote.learn_command service and it will prompt you for all the other information you need.

If commands have been learned successfully they will be in a file called .storage which is in the config folder. This is a hidden file - if you install the samba share add-on you will be able to inspect it from your phone with an app like CX File Explorer.

Once learned, commands are sent using the remote.send_command service, which you can test in Developer Tools, or you can include it in an automation for testing purposes.

Ok so clarifying so you are able to help (sorry for not putting enough information in at all)

I’m training an IR remote and set the learn command for that.

I’m using the dev tools > Services call to try and learn the command.

I’m not checking the storage folder as I’m expecting the light on the RM4 to turn on when it is waiting for the learning command, that’s the bit that isn’t happening, because I’m not seeing that light I’m not sending a button from the remote, so there shouldn’t be anything getting learnt.

I am attempting to do this from my the HA app on my phone, but I did see another post saying you would have to do it a special way from the phone to get it working, that doesn’t seem right to me but if true I will try again from my laptop.

Is there anything else needed to help diagnose this?

I have attempted to learn the command with the below configuration in the dev tools page. Still not getting any lights on the remote so no idea if the learn command is even getting sent to the device

just worked out the issue. I had turned off the remote switch on the main device page. turned it back on and i was able to call the command