Travel time with “waze” and “here”

I’m using “waze” and “here”
If i put in the config the option


they stop work, without the option


they work but when configured more than one they are not correctly identified
and sometimes the time is excenged beetwen one to another

There is someone with these issue?

There is a way to resolve them?



Post your configuration.yaml.

# Place1
  - platform: waze_travel_time
    origin: zone.home
    #origin: XX.XXXXXX, XX.XXXXXX
    destination: zone.Novoli  
    #destination: XX.XXXXXX, XX.XXXXXX
    region: 'EU'
# Place2
  - platform: waze_travel_time
    origin: zone.home
    #origin: XX.XXXXXX, XX.XXXXXX
    destination: zone.Campo_di_Marte  
    #destination: XX.XXXXXX, XX.XXXXXX
    region: 'EU'

# Place1
  - platform: here_travel_time
    app_id: !secret here_app_id
    app_code: !secret here_app_code
    origin_entity_id: zone.home
    #origin_latitude: "XX.XXXXXX"
    #origin_longitude: "XX.XXXXXX"
    destination_entity_id: zone.Novoli   
    #destination_latitude: "XX.XXXXXX"
    #destination_longitude: "XX.XXXXXX"
    traffic_mode: true

# Place2
  - platform: here_travel_time
    app_id: !secret here_app_id
    app_code: !secret here_app_code
    origin_entity_id: zone.home    
    #origin_latitude: "XX.XXXXXX"
    #origin_longitude: "XX.XXXXXX"
    destination_entity_id: zone.Campo_di_Marte     
    #destination_latitude: "XX.XXXXXX"
    #destination_longitude: "XX.XXXXXX"
    scan_interval: 300
    traffic_mode: true

Where were you putting name?

for example

# Place2
  - platform: here_travel_time
    name: 'NAME'
    app_id: !secret here_app_id
    app_code: !secret here_app_code
    origin_entity_id: zone.home    
    #origin_latitude: "XX.XXXXXX"
    #origin_longitude: "XX.XXXXXX"
    destination_entity_id: zone.Campo_di_Marte     
    #destination_latitude: "XX.XXXXXX"
    #destination_longitude: "XX.XXXXXX"
    scan_interval: 300
    traffic_mode: true

Hmm. Looks ok. Any errors in the log when you try using name?

Entity not available

The name likely determines the entity ID. check for sensor.NAME in Developer Tools > States

The sensor in error is not present

Check the logs for errors. Developer Tools > Logs

Error on retrieving data: empty response

19:32 components/waze_travel_time/ (WARNING)