Tried to update, completely host my hassio install

For the second time I have tried to update HASSIO using the update button and it seems to have crashed. Last time I ended up having to reflash the card… I rebooted the pi using the hassio ho reboot command and it seems to have taken me back to a state of about 2 weeks ago. The snapshots that I had taken last weekend and today are gone

The thought of having to try and rebuild my configuration from scratch again literally has me close to giving this whole thing up.

I do not wish to sound ungrateful but honestly, the whole update process within HASSIO seems a complete mess and can trash the system with seemingly no way of getting it back. What on earth is going on?

Have you considered moving to a better option, like installing home assistant yourself? I don’t know why people keep torturing themselves with hassio after being bitten even once, let alone 2/3/4 times.

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