I have found a little bug in the triggers, if I fire up a switch via the Lovelace UI, and into a period of a couple of seconds (minus than 5) I fire up the same switch via a mechanical switch, the trigger.to_state.context.user_id is still populated and not none. could there be some delay in writing down that uid when populating it via a switch? or maybe the delay from the device to homeassistant server?
My server is not really busy, 5% cpu at max, but wondered if the device interrogation at this point could be made faster, I would prefer hammering them, than have a couple of seconds delay, considering that my device are lan triggered (sonoff ewelink, lan controlled)
only for reference, automation, with ids redacted:
alias: Commute
description: ""
- type: turned_on
device_id: d1
entity_id: e1
domain: switch
trigger: device
- condition: and
- condition: template
value_template: >-
{{ trigger.to_state.context.user_id is none }}
- type: toggle
device_id: d1
entity_id: e2
domain: switch
mode: single