Trigger Automation From MQTT Message?

Hi! I’m trying to trigger an automation based off an MQTT message. I cant figure out how to use part of the MQTT message to be the trigger for an automation.

I’d like to use the “action_user”: 0, to be the trigger of an automation. Can someone please help!

Full MQTT message below.

“action”: “unlock”,
“action_source”: 0,
“action_source_name”: “keypad”,
“action_source_user”: null,
“action_user”: 0,
“battery”: 95,
“linkquality”: 94,
“lock_state”: “locked”,
“state”: “LOCK”


  - platform: mqtt
    topic: your topic
    condition: template
    value_template: '{{ trigger.payload_json['action_user'] == 0 }}'

Legend, thank you!

I’m sorry for asking but I have a simillar problem and I know it’s because I’m a noob.
My full message is:
{ "Button1": { "Action": "TRIPLE" } }

My automation should trigger deppending on the “Action” state but I cant make it work because is within the “Button 1”. Please let me know how to config my template condition to acommodate to my message.

Thank you all for your time