Trigger on group or single entities

Hi Everyone,
I am coming from running openHab system and trying to switch to Homeassistant. Currently I have all automations written in JavaScript. I do like NodeRed but have never really workt with it. I have watched a few tutorials and now I am trying to migrate my automations. So at the moment my questions may sound stupid but I hope I don’t offend anyone.

I have a group of security sensors. And I am trying to trigger an event every time one of the sensors changes a state (turns on). If I use a group in HA my event is only triggered if the first entity actually turns on. So if the group is already on the event will not be executed. What would be best practice in this case.


I would probably make a lot of trigger nodes in NR for each sensor and then just link them to the same flow.

If all the sensors have a similar naming convention, event state has a regex search that will catch any entity matching the term.


Hit the magnifiying glass and it will show all the entities that the filter will return.


That worked great. Thank you!