I am trying to write one automation to cover more than one sensor value (battery in this case) by adding more entities. This is a valid configuration, but it does not seem to work.
Does this configuration mean that ALL sensor must be over threshold? How do I configure that triggering is done if ANY sensor trip?
This automation will fire on the event that ANY of the sensors satisfies the “below” state. It is not an exclusive or condition as was previously mentioned here.
It’s perfectly acceptable to list multiple entities as in @msd example.
If it’s not working, my guess is that at least one of the values is stored as a string and not an integer. The documentation for numeric state trigger says “attempts to parse the state as a number and triggers if value is above and/or below a threshold”. In my experience however, if the state is not numeric, the trigger will never happen.
You can easily test this with the template console by pasting in this code:
{{states.sensor.battery_s1.state < 5}}
If the result is “TRUE” or “FALSE” then you have a number.
If the result is “BLANK” then you don’t.
If the value isn’t numeric, you can switch to a template sensor that explicitly does the conversion to numeric.