Trigger sound/music remotely on Android Device

Hi Guys,

I am desperately looking for a solution to push a message, notification or a command (play musicfile) to an Android tablet that has only LAN, but no WAN (Internet connection).

My Plan was to somehow trigger this but everything is NOT using local LAN:
Pushbullet: Cloudpolling
Telegram/any other Messaging service: Cloupolling
Macrodroid Webhook: Cloudpolling

I could not find anything to trigger something via MQTT Payloads/commands, REST or any other solutions to push anything.
Research was always very vague.
I will not use the Home Assistant Android App.

Does anyone know how i could easily trigger to play a local soundfile/Alarmsound on my Android device?

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It looks 100% what I was searching for! Gonna have a look and will report about it!
Thanks alot man.

I’m using it and it works fine :wink:

works like a charm.

developer seems to be dead
Lets hope there wont be any breaking changes for this…