so i am trying to usethis simple automation, but as you guess, i cant get it to work.
service: climate.set_temperature
temperature: states(input_number.home_{{ trigger.entity_id[8:] }} | float)
entity_id: "{{ trigger.entity_id }}"
for setting the temperature. i need to get the (which i can get cause it works for target)
but for the value i needs to trim the first 8 charachters of the trigger.entity_id.Do a joing with a string and use that string to get the state…
trigger.entity_id = climate.living_room_trv
input_number.home_living_room_trv exists (and has a state of 19.0)
This is to make the automation work for all the climate entities. Otherwise i have to add another if/then everPreformatted text
y time a new climate entity arrives.
(I know i still have to declare the matching input variable)