I need both types of automations in order to use the new HA cloud webhooks (see details below). My automations do work but the error prevents restarting from the web, it forces all restarts to be manual, which is scaring me.
I followed the docs and put the following in my automations.yaml file:
and then before the first automation in my automations.yaml I use:
automation old:
The reason I am combining the two is that I am using the webhooks feature of the Home Assistant cloud. As far as I can tell, the webhook feature of the cloud can only be used via the new automations GUI. However the new automations GUI method does not support comments, and more importantly it does not appear to support data_template which I am using extensively.
The solution I have found is to keep the bulk of my automations in the configuration.yaml file (as configuration old) and just use automations.yaml file for webhooks by having the GUI created automations in automations.yaml trigger the legacy automations in the automations old section of configuration.yaml. This works, but it gives the error.
Did you try remiving the second “aitomation old:” entry and see if it fixes it?
You can’t have the same domain entered twice in your config. If you put automation old: in the include statement then you cant have it in the included file too.
I figured that was the problem, however I either have to have “automation:” or “automation old:” at the beginning of my automations. I have tried every combination I can think of, and searched all over the web.
It is all rather ironic. For everything else (all the things HA is giving me for free) I could find an answer by just googling, but for the only thing that I am actually paying for there seems to be no answer anywhere ! … at least not yet
The only instructions for using the old and new configurations together are given here:
What that is saying is that you need both of those sections in your config but even tho you need to have both sections you still can’t have two of either “automation:” or “automation old:” in your config.
when you use include statements it is just like you write whatever is in the inluded file in the config exactly as it is in the file.