Troubleshooting Z-WAVEJS

Looking for detailed diagnostic information such as neighbors, Round Trip Times in MS in Z-Wave JS using Zwave JS to MQTT as the control panel, I am not finding the detailed information as in the OpenZWave add in. Am I missing something??

Network neighbors are currently available via the zwavejs2mqtt MQTT API, or the zwave-js-server websocket API. They are also displayed in the zwavejs2mqtt network graph UI.

RTT is not yet implemented by the zwave-js driver. There is an issue tracker for it and other statistics.

Controller and node statistics are available from the MQTT API and the Z-Wave JS integration network dump, but also (not as easily) from the HA or zwave-js-server websocket APIs. They are not yet available in the HA UI or via any kind of sensors or attributes.


Thank you for taking the time to reply, and the good information and Links. I did see the neighbors in the graph UI, but only have one z-wave device on my test server not very exciting to look at… Would like to move to z-wave js on my production server but not until there are more details for troubleshooting. I will keep an eye on the GITHUB for updates.
