Truly Local Controlled Thermostat

Hi Everyone,

I have a vision of fully decking out my house with smart devices but when it gets to security I have decided to go fully local control. My issue is that I am having trouble finding a thermostat that can go fully local with HA even during setup. My home assistant is no exposed to the internet what so ever so where do I even start and what thermostat should I look into?

I ordered the Honeywell Home TH6320ZW2007/U Z-Wave T6 Pro (hopefully to be delivered later today). As it is Zwave, it should connect locally to HA.

I was hoping to do a lot with Zigbee. Is there a hub that supports both Zigbee and Zwave? Why did you strictly go with Zwave and not zigbee? Do you use both such as do you just have two separate dongles/hubs plugged into your HA?

I’m doing as little WiFi devices as possible, everything with ZigBee, using Zigbee2Mqtt. My radiator valves are Tuya ones from AliExpress. Additionally, each room gets a little temperature sensor as much toward the middle of the room as possible. These are also from Tuya, also ZigBee. You might want to check out better_thermostat once you have the hardware set up.

This information is already to much haha. What I am saying is im having a hard time finding information for this advanced stuff. Like you send me a better_thermostat link but I know nothing about integrating that into my HVAC system. Like some people use relays to send signals to turn on/off there heating/cooling and don’t even use a thermostat. Where are you finding this information at?

Hmm. What kinds of heating or cooling devices do you own?