I am trying to automate my shades so they would open on a set time partially and than after an offset period they would open completly.
I made a helper to set the initial time. This gives no problem. But its when I try to combine both helpers the initial time and the offset, I run into trouble.
I used the template editor to test the result and it gives me the correct hour (08:05:00) but the automation doesn’t accept it… I get Message malformed: Expected HH:MM, HH:MM:SS or Entity ID with domain ‘input_datetime’ or ‘sensor’ @ data[‘at’][0]
the YAML I am trying is the following
at: "{{ (state_attr('input_datetime.initial_time', 'timestamp') + state_attr('input_datetime.offset_time', 'timestamp')) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M:%S', False) }}"
Is it not possible what I am trying to do, or is there a an error in my template?