I’ve got an old LED torchiere lamp that I got off Amazon from “Cannagrow” that I’m trying to convert away from Tuya/Smartlife. I successfully used tuya-convert to get Tasmota 7.2 on it and I’m able to get to the control interface to change the configuration and upload firmware files. The problem is that I cannot figure out the right settings to make the thing work. I have no idea which pins are TX/RX but I was able to download a log that shows a bunch of Tuya commands when I use the switches on the device. I did figure out that it has an ESP8266 chip and tried using the ESP Builder in HACS to make a firmware file but when I tried to upload it it said it was too big.
I’m sort of stuck though because now I can only use the controls on the device. Even using the on/off in the Tasmota web-interface doesn’t work. I’ve tried so many different configurations and I can’t find a similar product in all the documented products on the Tasmota pages.
How do I go about figuring out the right configuration or updating it to ESPHome instead?
Anyone got any ideas for identifying the device and figuring out the configuration? Or making an ESPHome build that will fit?
Does it have LED driver on the lamp?
Yes, I believe the driver board is a separate board that the esp board connects. I can’t open it so have no idea what pins are used between them…
Ok, I finally broke the torchier apart and got pics of the microcontrollers. One of them is the LED driver (like expected). It appears to be a DM633 which is connected to an ESP8266 chip. I can see some of the traces which will help me figure out which IO lines to program for the LED driver, but I still can’t identify the actual board/model. It appears it says YH-401 with a date of 20191115 but searches for those don’t return anything related. I need to figure out at least how much RAM and storage is available to build an ESPHome image.
The WiFi module is a TYWE3L — More information here.
For all these tuya devices, you need to determine whether they are using direct gpio-based control, or indirect mcu-based control over a serial connection. The number and type of pins with solder is usually a good clue.
In this case it appears the Tx and Rx pins are soldered, suggesting the mcu approach. If you still have Tasmota flashed you can configure the template for tuyamcu rx and tx pins; if it works the weblog 4
command will enable debugging of the tuya traffic.