Trying to create Aux_Heat Button or Switch

I have just installed a Hive Thermostat and I’m trying to break out out the Aux_Heat toggle switch from the Hot Water card and make into a switch so it can be seen by Homekit.

Aux Heat works fine via the toggle switch in the card.

I have tried the following code to try to break this toggle out but it doesn’t do anything:

- platform: template
      value_template: "{{is_state_attr('climate.hot_water', 'aux_heat', 'off') }}"
        service: climate.set_aux_heat
          entity_id: climate.hot_water
          aux_heat: true
        service: climate.set_aux_heat
          entity_id: climate.hot_water
          aux_heat: false

I have also just tried creating an entity button in Lovelace but i get an error "failed to call service/climate.set aux_heat

Can anyone please advise, its driving me mad

Ignore this it seems to be working now! Not sure why it wasn’t before.