Trying to move from Custom Updater to HACS - Locelace card mod problems

Ok, I got most of the custom stuff installed.
One thing that I can’t make work is the card modder.

I have this card set up for my pool:

  - card:
        - sensor.pool_temperature
      group: true
      hour24: true
      hours_to_show: 48
      refresh_interval: 300
        fill: false
        icon: false
        name: false
        state: false
      type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
      background: transparent
      left: 34%
      top: 33%
      width: 76%
    type: 'custom:card-modder'

This looked ok in the old setup.
So I’ve removed the card-tools.js andcard-modder.js from the lovelace.yaml, and added “Lovelace card mod” in HACS.
But I can’t seem to get it to do the transparency.

I changed the config to this, to get the graph shown in the right place:

  - entities:
      - sensor.pool_temperature
    group: true
    hour24: true
    hours_to_show: 48
    refresh_interval: 300
      fill: false
      icon: false
      name: false
      state: false
    type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
      left: 50%
      top: 33%
      width: 55%

But then how do I get the transparency added to the graph?
If I go and add it with FF inspector directly to the CSS it’s for the right class, it works:

ha-card[more-info] {
	background: transparent;

But how do I combine ‘normal’ style settings with sending css directly to the class?

If I add

    style: |
      ha-card[more-info] {
      background: transparent;
      width: 75%;
      left: 280px;
      top: -220px;

I can place the graph at the posittion, but because it’s not relative, it won’t work except in a specific resolution.
I can’t place it with %, so what to do?

Did you found solution?

Nope, currently the graph is not showing :frowning: