I am trying to integrate Yeelight as I have a Yeelight light bulb already running in the Yeelight Android App.
I installed the app, I added the light bulb, I activated the LAN control. I can see the light bulb in my network. I added it in a VLAN which has access to the internet and to HA, but it is not the main LAN I use and the LAN where HA is located.
Now I am trying to configure the Yeelight integration following these steps.
To set up this integration, go to Integrations under Configuration and find Yeelight in the
menu. You can leave the host field empty to set up discovered devices. To configure the devices, use the “Options” button in the integration card.
via Yeelight Integration page on HA
But I don’t know what to input as Host and I leave it blank. It gives me the following message. No devices found on the network.
Any ideas what I should do? Is it related to the fact that it is on the VLAN and not on the main LAN?
Thank you so much!
PS: Btw, I have the Ubiquiti UniFi integration set up and it does see the light bulb as a device_tracker entity