Trying to understand relay entities

Hello all,

I’m still a newbie with Home Assistant and need help understanding Devices and Entities. I recognize Entities can be many things … including people. But I’d like to understand the multiple entities that propagate when I include a simple device, and what to do about them. I’ve searched through this forum, the HA help documentation and YouTube videos for answers, but I’ve not found answers.

For example … let’s take a Shelly 1 relay with a temperature Add-On (no power monitoring). There is one set of relay contacts and one temperature probe. I have this device configured in an automation to monitor temperature in my freezer. If temperatures rise above freezing, the relay is turned on to activate a thaw alarm. I have a momentary switch attached to the relay input to periodically test the alarm.

From my perspective, I would have expected to see entities for

  1. temperature
  2. relay on/off
  3. momentary switch (possibly)

However, when this device was set up, 13 entities were created! The status of seven are listed as disabled by the integration (this I don’t understand). The remaining six have either a dash (-) or are labeled as “restored” in the status column. Of the ones with a dash, I see two that make sense to me:

  1. sensor.shelly1_xxxxxxx_temperature (the xxxxxx is my device address)
  2. switch.shelly1_xxxxxxx

The other entity IDs include:

  1. button.freezer_ota_update
  2. button.freezer_ota_update+beta
  3. button.freezer_reboot
  4. button.shelly1_xxxxxxxx_ota_update
  5. button.shelly1_xxxxxxxx_ota_update_beta
  6. button.shelly1_xxxxxxxx_reboot
  7. binary_sensor.shelly1_xxxxxxxx_input
  8. binary_sensor.shelly1_xxxxxxxx_cloud
  9. binary_sensor.shelly1_xxxxxxxx_firmware_update
  10. sensor.shelly1_xxxxxxxx_rssi
  11. sensor.shelly1_xxxxxxxx_uptime

Thanks in advance for any insights and help.
