I am trying to activate some switches that will be connected on an MCP23017 that is connected to the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi 4 that runs Hass.io.
Connect a USB drive to a device capable of adding and editing files to the USB drive. Format a USB stick with FAT32/EXT4/NTFS and name the drive CONFIG (uppercase).
In the root of the USB drive add a folder called /modules . (BTW, the folder name is /modules and not modules, right?)
Inside that folder add a text file called rpi-i2c.conf with the following contents:
In the root of the USB drive add a file called config.txt with the following contents:
Insert the USB drive into your Raspberry PI.
Now go to your Home Assistant web interface, in the sidebar click Hass.io > System
Now click Import from USB .
This will restart your Hass.io instance, and load the new USB configuration.
How do I know that the Hass.io restarted? In my case, when I press the IMPORT FROM USB button, all I see is a time wheel for a millisecond and then the button turns green. Nothing seems to restart as I can use Hass.io instance immediately afterwards
I have PIR3 B + but it should be the same for you. After importing, my hassio didn’t reset. I2C also didn’t work immediately after importing. I had to manually reboot it by myself. After the reset it was ok.
Ideally, if you had any logic analyzer or oscilloscope you would see immediately if RPI is “talking” via i2c.
Also check if the address matches what you actually connected. In MCP23017 you have 3 pins with which you set the i2c slave address.
Thank you for your help!
Regarding the i2c activation, I restarted it a few times now. No avail. And unfortunately I don’t have neither do I know how to use logic analyzers and oscilloscopes. Can I check via code? For example can I check the i2c table somehow?
And another thing I read on the forums. In Hassio -> System -> Host System -> Hardware I should see the USB Stick somewhere in disk: , right? Now I only have this and maybe none of them is the actual USB Stick? What do you think?
And I checked to use the recommended address for MCP2017 (0x20). I also tested it on an ESP via ESPHome and it worked there.
I don’t think you can check if i2c is physically running from hassio. Simple analyzers can be bought online for a few dollars. Using them is very easy, you would certainly manage ) But now, it will be best to check it on the actual device. What MCP board do you have?
Regarding USB stick. Unfortunately I don’t have access to hassio right now so I don’t know what it looks like.
After you press IMPORT button, scroll down and look on the log (press “refresh” of course). What does it look like at your log?
This is what it says when I don’t have the USB Stick plugged in. And the same info is logged when it is plugged in and I press IMPORT FROM USB.
19-11-29 11:24:17 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.hassos] Syncing configuration from USB with HassOS.
19-11-29 11:24:17 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.host.services] Restart local service hassos-config.service
19-11-29 11:24:17 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.utils.gdbus] Call org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager.RestartUnit on /org/freedesktop/systemd1
I haven’t watched the whole movie you posted so I don’t know if they recommend it or advise against such an analyzer, but I definitely recommend it to you. There are no great features but for analyzing simple protocols it is perfect.
I like your module. It is simple (without unnecessary fountains) and cheap
You have 3 pins A0, A1 and A2 to determine the address. You can consider this address or use the default one. I’m not sure how initialization is done in this mcp23 component. It’s best to connect all of them to GND.
You can try one more thing quickly. Different chips interpret “address” differently. It can be 7 or 8 bit. Try to use 0x10 or 0x40 instead
Still learning I2C, but considering that 0x20 worked on ESPHome, do you think it can change its default address without me doing anything to the address pins?
I will try nonetheless. Thank you for your advice.
BTW, my best guess right now is that the USB Stick didn’t install I2C. Just don’t know how to do it better.
Appropriate interpretation of the i2c address is needed from both sides: master and slave. Changing ESP on raspberry you change the “master” side.
Try and let me know of the result.
Maybe you’re right they could write directly on the integration page, how enabling i2c. But you managed to find it without it )
Do you have a simple multimeter? Check voltage at SDA and SCL pin. If i2c is enabled, they should have pull up enabled, i.e. they should be ~ 3.3V. Otherwise they will have 0V.
I abandoned this project for now. I cannot find a solution to make this work. For now I will be using an extra ESPHome enabled ESP to manage all that I wanted to manage directly via the HASS.io Raspberry Pi.
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