Ts011f TZ3000_cjrngdr3 external switch input

I recently bought a smart zigbee switch with power meter (ts011f TZ3000_cjrngdr3).

It seems not to have external switch input, even if terminal blocks is present for it, but not labelled.

I tried to set an external switch, but it didn’t work. So i opened it up.

Terminal block is not welded to the board (S1 ans S2 pins).

I test it using the contact on the board without any results.

Rest of the board seems to be populated for this functionality. S1 pin corresponds to GND. S2 pin linked to P8 pin of the CB2S Module.

The device (zhaquirks.tuya.ts011f_plug.Plug) in my home assistant as a cluster named “TuyaZBExternalSwitchTypeCluster” (Endpoint id: 1, Id: 0xe001, Type: in). In which there is an attribute “external_switch_type” (id: 0xd030, default value = ExternalSwitchType.Toggle), that seems related to the functionality i wanted.

Might it exists a better firmware for this device, so that after solder terminal blocks to the board it can use an external switch input ?

Any ideas are welcome.

I’ve got 2 of them, and I was going to say “the device is sold as a metering device in Aliexpress”, as it says in Dutch:

Tuya Smart ZigBee Elektriciteitsmeter KWh Timer 16A DIN Rail Mini Relaismodule voor Socket Afstandsbediening Aan Uit Power Monitor Statistiek Gebruik als ZigBee Signaal Repeater Extender Werkt met Google Home Alexa

However, just to be sure I switched to English to see what is said there:

Tuya Smart Life ZigBee Switch Electricity Energy Monitor KWh Din Rail 16A Timer Socket Mini Module Works with Google Home Alexa

For the non-Dutch speaking, in the Dutch description the item is described as a “power-metering and signal repeating/extender module”. Admittedly, there is a vague reference to “On / Off” in there too, but it doesn’t say “switch” explicitly. The English item description however clearly also boasts “Switch” as one of it’s feature, which obviously isn’t true.

I bought it explicitly for the metering feature, so it’s fine for me. I was actually surprised to see the Switch entity added in HA after including the device. The switch does operate the L-out and N-out terminals, so it’s not useless, but I wasn’t planning on using the device as a switch, so I am going to disable those entities and only use the device as an energy metering device.