TTS issue with voice PE

I have two voice PE devices, and on one of them I connected an external speaker using the 3.5mm jack. I’ve noticed that the on the PE device with the external speaker, the first bit of TTS always cut off. If I unplug the speaker and use the built in one, I get the entire response as expected. Has anyone else noticed this?

I haven’t had any issues with powered speakers or headphones via 3.5mm jack attached to HA voice PE. Perhaps try a set of known working headphones? To see if it is potentially your speakers/ 3.5mm connection? Or test your speakers on the other HA voice PE device to verify a common denominator?

Are the two HA voice PE devices powered in the exact same way? If the HA voice PE device is not getting enough power you may get odd effects/ behaviour.

some active speakers have a cut-off on the input when there’s no signal on the input (to avoid accidental sounds (like “brrrrrrum” or ticking “tick tick” ) ). When the signal starts, the device detects (but with a short delay) that it’s time to enable the input and then you start hearing it. Is this the case? To test it … try with different speakers (maybe passive ones)

Thanks both of you for the suggestions. I can’t test it at the moment due to another issue that someone else posted which I also just started experiencing, and that’s that TTS (via conversation response in my case) intermittently stops working on the Voice PE device (I’ve never had this issue with the Wyoming satellites I built). Hopefully it can be reproduced and fixed before too long.

I realized something else I should mention, and that’s that I was using the exact same speaker on my Wyoming satellite and never had this issue. As such, it seems like it is related to the Voice PE.