I want to share my script for turning switches (in general entities) on and off.
The idea is to add the possibility in Lovelace to toggle states after a certain amount of time.
alias: Turn off timer
nextState: >-
{% if is_state(entity_id, 'on') %}turn_off{% else %}turn_on{%
- data:
name: Turn off timer
message: >-
Triggered by '{{entity_id}}', action '{{action}}', minutes
'{{minutes}}', hours '{{hours}}'. Calculated '{{nextState}}'
domain: timer
entity_id: script.turn_off_timer
action: logbook.log
- delay:
hours: "{% if hours %}{{ hours }}{% else %}0{% endif %}"
minutes: "{% if minutes %}{{ minutes }}{% else %}10{% endif %}"
seconds: 0
milliseconds: 0
- data: {}
entity_id: "{{entity_id}}"
action: >-
homeassistant.{% if action %}{{ action }}{% else %}{{ nextState }}{% endif
mode: parallel
icon: mdi:timer-10
max: 10
This script can be called as a service and the input parameters are as follows:
- entity_id (required): The id of the entity to be changed
- action (optional): The target state of the entity (turn_off, turn_on)
- hours (optional): Time delay in hours. If none is provided, then 0
- minutes(optional): Time delay in minutes. If none is provided, then 10
I use it on lovelace buttons as a “hold option” like this:
type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
entity: switch.wz_nintendo
action: perform-action
perform_action: script.turn_off_timer
target: {}
entity_id: switch.wz_nintendo
action: toggle
This would toggle the Nintendo after 10 minutes, as no time attributes where given.
The script runs in parallel and can be stopped using a simple Entities Card.
All script runs will appear on the list.
type: entities
- entity: script.turn_off_timer
For debugging purposes, the script also writes a log entry, showing the input data and the expected new entity state.