Turn off Tado doesn't work anymore

Hello community, winter is coming (quote :slight_smile: ) and I’m trying my hassio automation with tado devices. Last year they worked perfect, today I got some problem to switch on/off all my radiators.

Here is my actions (the other part work perfect)

  - service: climate.set_operation_mode
      entity_id: climate.bagno
      operation_mode: Off

And this is the error:

ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation] Error while executing automation automation.temperatura_bagno_sopra_i_22_gradi. Service not found for call_service at pos 2: Unable to find service climate/set_operation_mode

Could someone help please?
Thank you

Did you update? Climate was overhauled a few months back. All the services changed a bit. You should reread the climate docs and change the services that need to be changed.

Sure, I update hassio to 0.100.3. I already checked that page, but honestly I don’t understand what’s the service to switch on/off my radiators using Tado. Anyway, temperatures work perfect.

probably climate.set_hvac_mode or climate.turn_off.

Thank you for reply, I’m getting crazy.
I’m editing the configuration basing on documentation.

This should turn on the radiator:

    - service: climate.set_hvac_mode
        entity_id: climate.bagno  
        hvac_mode: heat

But which is the mode for turning it off?

Then, documentation report also climate.turn_on and climate turn_off, but how can I integrate these command into my action ???

probably off?

    - service: climate.set_hvac_mode
        entity_id: climate.bagno  
        hvac_mode: 'off'

same as light.turn_on and off

    - service: climate.turn_off
      entity_id: climate.bagno

Thank you, turn_on/off works great. I’ll study the set_hvac_mode because I believe I can do more with it.

DAMN! This doesn’t work anymore: :roll_eyes:

        - condition: template
          value_template: "{{ states.climate.bagno.state != 'off' }}"

WTF! I’ll never update hassio anymore!!!

It should be set in the HVAC mode. Check to see what state the climate device has when you turn it off. Look in the DEVELOPER TOOLS -> STATES page.

State page says:

  - heat
  - auto
  - 'off'
current_temperature: 23.8
min_temp: 5
max_temp: 25
target_temp_step: 1
temperature: 25
current_humidity: 65.1
hvac_action: 'off'
preset_mode: home
  - away
  - home
friendly_name: Bagno
supported_features: 17

what does the total state say, in the grid of information

I can’t find that section :frowning:

But you found the device in the grid to click on it and get that information… so you have to see the grid.

I can only see this

Right, so you see the total state, which is off.

So this template that you posted will still work.

        - condition: template
          value_template: "{{ states.climate.bagno.state != 'off' }}"

Ok, let start from scratch, here is my whole automation. So, when Xiaomi door windows sensor is open (trigger) check if the radiator is on, then send a notification (I use pushbullet on my phone) and then switch off the riadiator.

The result is that if I open the window, never mind the radiator state, I always get the notification and hassio always try to switch off the radiator.

This automation worked perfect last year, but now the condition doesn’t work anymore.

- id: finestra_bagno_aperta
  alias: Finestra Bagno aperta spegni Termosifone
    - entity_id: binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_158d000200b3a2
      platform: state
      from: 'off'
      to: 'on'
        seconds: 30
    - condition: template
      value_template: "{{ states.climate.bagno.state != 'Off' }}"
  - service: notify.notifiche
      title: "Finestra Bagno Aperta"
      message: "La finestra del Bagno è aperta, spengo quindi il termosifone"
  - service: climate.turn_off
    entity_id: climate.bagno

Btw, thank you for your time.

Ok, don’t ask me why, but the following condition works perfect:

    - condition: template        
      value_template: "{{ states.climate.bagno.state == 'heat' }}"

Maybe was the capital O (in Off)… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Because you aren’t using the template you posted. You posted this:

but your automation has this

Notice the capital O?