Turn on Lutron Fans when Nest Thermostat is running

I am looking to have a couple Lutron fan switches turn on whenever the second floor Nest Thermostat is running (heat or AC). Is this possible? Does anyone have an example of how I can set this up? I don’t want to schedule depending on the time of day or anything like that, just if the HVAC is running on the same floor as the bedrooms then those rooms’ fans should turn on to a medium setting.

Here are the triggers you’d want (my Nest is called home, change accordingly). It’s YAML but you can do it all from the GUI too.

  - platform: state
      - climate.home
    attribute: hvac_action
    to: cooling
  - platform: state
      - climate.home
    attribute: hvac_action
    to: heating
condition: []
action: []

Then put in whatever actions you want.

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Amazing! Thank you! Would that also switch the fans off when cooling and heating are turning off? Or would I need a separate trigger to turn the fans off?

No, it’s just for turning them on. There’s a couple different ways you could handle turning them off (either in a separate automation or within the same one). I’d suggest starting here to understand how automations work: