Turn the power outlet on/off

I want to make an automation that turns on the power outlet of the water boiler when the energy production goes negative.
So when i produce more than I consume start heating water.

Been trying for days without success…

So I got the power outlet: switch.boiler_stopcontact_stopcontact_1
And I got the energy consumption: sensor.p1_meter_vermogen

If sensor.p1_meter_vermogen greater than 0 then turn on switch.boiler_stopcontact_stopcontact_1

Seems easy right? Please point me in the right direction.

Welcome! :smile:


  - trigger: numeric_state
      - sensor.p1_meter_vermogen
    above: 0


  - action: switch.turn_on
      entity_id: switch.boiler_stopcontact_stopcontact_1

Be aware that the trigger will only fire when sensor.p1_meter_vermogen goes from below zero to above zero. So it won’t fire if it’s already above zero when you test the automation.

Hello Wim,

I’m sure that can be done. Also having someone or something writing it for you means the second it misbehaves, you will be struggling back to find someone to fix it for you.

The best way to learn is to just try. Run thru the docs on getting started with the automation editor. If you get stuck, come back with what you have done.

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