Turned off by SuperVisor

Hi Gentlemen, I am solving a problem with Shelly Plug S. I bought 6 of them and 4 of them work fine, only two (for Washer and Dryer) shut down spontaneously during the working process. All the plugs have the same FW and are also set up the same way.
All of a sudden, when I look at the status, they shut down. Then, of course, my wife comes running in and scolds me. :slight_smile: The logbook says : “Turned off by Supervisor”, nothing more. I could not find in any Log a record or reason why the Supervisor did this. Can someone please advise me ?


Do you use Node Red or a Scheduler addon?

An addon changed the state.

I use Node Red, but I don’t have a plugs assigned to it.
I don’t use the Scheduler addon and I don’t have it downloaded.

It’s Node Red.


How do we fix this ? Is there any way to initialize Node Red ? What could help ?

Check your flows. Node-Red is not doing this on it’s own. You probably have some flow that turns off all switches or all switches in the area.

Yes, you were right. I had an automation set up that switches the bathroom fan depending on the humidity. That’s also where the washer and dryer are. In the node to turn off the fan when the humidity drops, I had the whole bathroom set up in addition to “turn off fan”. (Area).
Thank you so much for your help, I wouldn’t have thought of it right away.

Sorry to revive this thread… does anyone know how to identify whether an action was performed ‘by supervisor’ or by some other source?

What I’m trying to do is tell whether a person pressed a button to turn on an air conditioning zone or whether the Supervisor decided based on NodeRed rules. That way I could get NodeRed to override a person’s action if I need it to.


Solved. In NodeRed msg.data.context.user_id will be null if the user changed the aircon zone state by manually pressing a button, or non-null if the change was directed by NodeRed.

Curious to know how you know but this was my exact problem as well and the issue was in Node Red, so thanks for the pointer.
I assumed that the Area field was just for reference but apparently it acts as a group so everything else in this area was switching on, much more simple to find when I know that it wasn’t in a HA automation or Zigbee setting.

The “Turned off by Supervisor” context.