I’ve got a cheap Tuya smart lamp which I’m trying to de-Tuyaize, based on the Tuya CBU module.
This module should be flashable with ltchiptool-ng, and it is working - if I hook up to TX2/RX2 I can see log messages from it running.
But TX1/RX1 don’t seem to ever enter flash mode if I follow the procedure (cycling CEN while running ltchiptool).
Has anyone encountered this problem? Is there something I’m missing about the electrical setup here? The module is desoldered, and definitely usable (I can see it power up and join my wifi network + the logs).
I just can’t seem to get it into download mode. Since its desoldered I can put it into “firmware test mode” but I’m not sure if there’s any useful commands I can run in that mode which might help (i.e. is there any setting which might disable flashing over serial which I could reset this way?)