Tuya Convert - NEO Smart Thermostat and Humidity Sensor

Hi @hollenburg

Did you ever get this working?. I have purchased one and just waiting for it to arrive.

@nsacras I notice the unit you have posted pictures of seems to have a Silicon Labs EFR32 chip and not the ESP8266 chip on it like the one @hollenburg has. I think to flash tasmota you need the ESP8266. Is yours a zigbee unit?

Cheers, Nick.

yes it works. There is an esp8266 inside.
After 20-30 attempts with tuya flush and a lot of patience.
It seems to be an old version from 2018 without temperature and humidity measurement. And without zigbee.
I received another module that seems newer.
Let’s see how that works.
I will report.

Managed to get this running, but temperature needs dividing by 10. (Shows as 230°c at the mo)

 value_template: > 
         {{value_json['TuyaReceived']['105'].DpIdData |int(base=16) }}
    unit_of_measurement: '°C' 

Could be a better way but I’m a novice and do not understand any of this yet.

here is another way

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Siren Temperature"
    state_topic: "tele/tasmota_377AE4/SENSOR"
    value_template: "{{value_json.TuyaSNS.Temperature if value_json.TuyaSNS.Temperature is defined else states ('sensor.temperature') }}"
    device_class: temperature
    unit_of_measurement: '°C'
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Siren Humidity"
    state_topic: "tele/tasmota_377AE4/SENSOR"
    value_template: "{{value_json.TuyaSNS.Humidity * 10 }}"
    device_class: humidity
    unit_of_measurement: '%'

The guide is updated for new versions of Tasmota and HA. Now you only need a few rules and run the blueprint to discover the needed sensors

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Hi, I bought 2 of neo coolcam siren and sucessfully flash tasmota with tuya convert.
TYA: MCU Product ID: {"p":"ymf4oruxqx0xlogp","v":"1.0.2","m":0} is the version of my device. I followed your guide using the template adn backlog command after it reboot I have the toggle button on the main menu. click on the toggle button only turn on or off the flashing led on the top of the device. I tried on my second device with the same result. what shoud I do to have the device working as it should be.
Please Help…

Sorry for your inconvenient. I’m not really sure what happen but after I setup mqtt connection to the device then it working as expected. not really sure it is related or not.

I having an issue on humidity reading. the value report is very low which is not correct.
how can I get correct value or at least close to what it should be from the device.

HumRes 0 command

Hello my friend, thank you for all your work. :+1:

Via the Tasmota Console setting volume, alarm type, toggling etc all work fine.

Humidity is still low.

I must be doing something wrong but I just cannot get this working within HA correctly. Just the Temperature and Switch to toggle are fine.

I have the 1.0.1 variant

01:03:01.446 TYA: MCU Product ID: {"p":"ymf4oruxqx0xlogp","v":"1.0.1","m":0}
01:03:02.025 RUL: TUYARECEIVED#DPTYPE4ID101 performs "publish Siren/battery 4"
01:03:02.030 MQT: Siren/battery = 4
01:03:02.048 RUL: TUYARECEIVED#DPTYPE4ID102 performs "publish Siren/chime 1"
01:03:02.054 MQT: Siren/chime = 1
01:03:02.063 MQT: stat/Siren/RESULT = {"TuyaEnum1":1}
01:03:02.086 RUL: TUYARECEIVED#DPTYPE4ID116 performs "publish Siren/alarmvolume 2"
01:03:02.091 MQT: Siren/alarmvolume = 2
01:03:02.096 MQT: stat/Siren/RESULT = {"TuyaEnum2":2}
01:03:02.113 RUL: TUYARECEIVED#DPTYPE2ID103 performs "publish Siren/alarmduration 2"
01:03:02.117 MQT: Siren/alarmduration = 2

After flashing then mapping Tuya functions applying necessary rules and adding the blueprint I get this in HA.


Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks again.

@blakadder some progress. I’m assuming that Active Chime and Alarm Volume should have a drop-down too ??

Still no luck with the Humidity, probably have to go with an offset for that ?


they should not, its just a sensor. use tuyasend commands to change those

for HumRes you need to have the development version of Tasmota or wait for 9.5 release

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Thank you again my friend; confirmed working with Dev version :+1:

FYI, I have managed to get all controls working via Lovelace. Working fine, just playing with the display and 1 bug left to squash :thinking:. Thanks again.

Config and blueprint updated for new select entities


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This is working flawlessly. However, I’m able to manually set a siren duration much higher than what Home Assistant is allowing me.

Currently, the slider is allowing a max of 60 seconds, and with the console, I can use TuyaSend2 103,120 or more, any way I can fix this in Home Assistant to allow automations to set the duration higher?

I keep getting this error when I try changing the entities maximum value, I’m fairly new to Home Assistant (couple of months so any help would be great)

Failed to call service number/set_value. Value 120.0 for Siren_1 Alarm Duration is outside valid range 1.0 - 60.0

Hey Guys, I have used the configuration on the tasmota page for the siren, however I always get this error : The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Invalid config for [sensor.mqtt]: [command_topic] is an invalid option for [sensor.mqtt]. Check: sensor.mqtt->command_topic. (See ?, line ?).

Here is the config pasted from tasmota :

  • platform: mqtt
    name: Siren Power Status
    state_topic: siren/battery
    value_template: >-
    {% if value == ‘1’ %}
    {% elif value == ‘2’ %}
    {% elif value == ‘3’ %}
    {% elif value == ‘4’ %}
    {% endif %}
    icon: ‘mdi:power-plug-outline’
    availability_topic: tele/siren/LWT
    payload_available: Online
    payload_not_available: Offline

  • platform: mqtt
    name: Siren Alarm Volume
    state_topic: siren/alarmvolume
    value_template: >-
    {% if value == ‘0’ %}
    {% elif value == ‘1’ %}
    {% elif value == ‘2’%}
    {% endif %}
    icon: ‘mdi:volume-vibrate’
    availability_topic: tele/siren/LWT
    payload_available: Online
    payload_not_available: Offline

  • platform: mqtt
    name: “Active Chime”
    state_topic: “%topic%/chime”
    command_topic: “cmnd/%topic%/event”
    value_template: >-
    {% if value == “0” %}
    {% elif value == “1” %}
    Fur Elise
    {% elif value == “2” %}
    Big Ben
    {% elif value == “3” %}
    Ring Ring
    {% elif value == “4” %}
    Lone Ranger
    {% elif value == “5” %}
    Turkish March
    {% elif value == “6” %}
    High Pitched
    {% elif value == “7” %}
    Red Alert
    {% elif value == “8” %}
    {% elif value == “9” %}
    {% elif value == “10” %}
    Dog Bark
    {% elif value == “11” %}
    Police Siren
    {% elif value == “12” %}
    Grandfather Clock
    {% elif value == “13” %}
    Phone Ring
    {% elif value == “14” %}
    Fire Truck
    {% elif value == “15” %}
    Clock Chime
    {% elif value == “16” %}
    Alarm Clock
    {% elif value == “17” %}
    School Bell
    {% endif %}
    options: [“Doorbell”,“Elise”,“Big Ben”,“Ring Ring”,“Lone Ranger”,“Turkish March”,“High Pitched”,“Red Alert”,“Crickets”,“Beep”,“Dog Bark”,“Police Siren”,“Grandfather Clock”,“Phone Ring”,“Fire Truck”,“Clock Chime”,“Alarm Clock”,“School Bell”]
    icon: “mdi:music-note”
    availability_topic: “tele/siren/LWT”
    payload_available: “Online”
    payload_not_available: “Offline”


  • platform: mqtt
    name: Siren Alarm Duration
    state_topic: siren/alarmduration
    command_topic: cmnd/siren/var1
    availability_topic: tele/siren/LWT
    icon: ‘mdi:timer-sand’
    payload_available: Online
    payload_not_available: Offline

Looks like its missing something…

Is the blueprint not working?


Thank you very much for all the work you have put in! This stuff is probably straight forward but spent countless nights trying to get this siren to work. I have managed to flash and able to see the mqtt diagnostics entities and temp/humidy. For the life of me I cannot get the others to work.

Also, should I be running the Tasmoto Sensor firmware or just basic Tasmoto?

Was there something I missed? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hi @blakadder

I think the details on the template website must be out of date with latest HA and/or Tasmota?.

I’m running the latest version of HA/HASSOS (2022.2.9 & 7.4) and also Tasmota (10.1) on this device.

I get the same error as @chrisground when I add the configuration.yaml components from the template website.

Having said that it appears it’s not even necessary to add that at all if you install the blueprint as the YAML appears to just make MQTT replicas of what the blueprint is creating on the siren entity, so If I install the blueprint only I get the following show up:

The problem I have is that I can’t see the Temp or Humidity. They don’t appear at all on the entity list for this siren with the blueprint installed, so I thought perhaps the issue was my siren is incorrect and I don’t have those sensors on it but If I change ‘Rule3’ to the following:

rule3 on tuyareceived#dptype2id105 do publish %topic%/temp %value% endon on tuyareceived#dptype2id106 do publish %topic%/humidity %value% endon on tuyareceived#dptype2id103 do publish %topic%/alarmduration %value% endon on var1#state do tuyasend2 103,%value% endon on tuyareceived#dptype4id101 do publish %topic%/battery %value% endon on tuyareceived#dptype4id102 do publish %topic%/chime %value% endon on tuyareceived#dptype4id116 do publish %topic%/alarmvolume %value% endon on var6#state do tuyasend4 116,%value% endon

I can then see TEMP and HUMIDITY values show up in the Tasmota console of the device and are published as MQTT messages to HA.

So I’m wondering if the blueprint can simply be updated to show those two sensors and we can remove the YAML completely?. I assume I should then just be able to install the blueprint and get total control of the device with all sensors?

Cheers, Nick.

Sorry, I’ve just got this working as expected.

So all I used was the blueprint in the end and no changes to the YAML

I think for some reason some of the config options did not stick when I setup the device. I noticed in the picture @dexstar posted that he had the temp and humidity values present in the Tasmota GUI, but on mine they were not there. After I reapplied all the the TuyaMCU commands in the template they showed up, and after checking in the HA entities list the sensors are now showing

Cheers, Nick.