Tuya Integration Keeps expiring the authentication

What can I do to make the Tuya Integration keep the authentication that I have provided when I installed it?

I second that emotion! Before the latest release of the Tuya integration, though it was a pain to setup and maintain a developer account, at least it lasted for 6 months before having to do anything.

I’m not sure if this is a timeout problem or source IP address issue or something else. But, it’s annoying!


I have removed the unreliable Tuya Integration from my Home Assistant and discarded all four Tuya devices in my network. I replaced them with TP-Link Smart WiFi light bulbs. I like TP-Link Smart devices because they are discovered right away by the TP-Link Intgegration in Home Assistant.

if you didn’t literally throw the tuya devices out in the trash, you might try the localtuya. i’m presuming you were using the tuya cloud integration before. localtuya runs things locally (betcha didn’t guess that!) and does not require any ongoing authentication to keep connected.

Thanks armedad! Yes, I have thrown them in the garbage but the garbage truck hasn’t picked up yet! I will retrive them now and try your suggestion - but I already have replaced them with the TP-Link Kasa Smart WiFi bulbs! I will retrieve them just to try out.

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a true ha geek can never have too many smart outlets/switches/bulbs… :slight_smile:
there’s always one more use…

Well, the garbage truck picked up before I stepped out to retrieve the sockets. Plus I cannot find the “localtuya” integration that you mentioned. I got hose smart sockets before I was introduced to Smart WiFi bulbs. Now, I have a simpler smart lighting for my driveway, porch, and patio lights - instead of a socket and a light bulb combination!

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Localtuya: https://github.com/xZetsubou/hass-localtuya

Each has their own pref… But fwiw, I much prefer smart switches over smart bulbs…

yes, i have smart switches as well but for a “smart socket/dumb bulb” combination is absurd. Instead of replacing the wall switches (2-way) for my driveway lamps and the wall switches for my patio and porch I chose smart wifi bulbs. to each his own./