Tuya LED strip incorrect values

Good Moring
i am using HA on a Pi4 with the official Tuya Integration
i have recently purchased 2x JESLED strip’s that i have managed to add successfully, i have an issue with one of them though, the strip responds as expected using the tuya app but in HA i have not been able to get it to display colours or do the full range of bightness.

looking at the state of the LED i get some very storage values

below is the LED on Pink with full brightness:

  - hs
  - onoff
color_mode: hs
brightness: 1003
  - 299.833
  - 393.307
  - 252
  - -747
  - 255
  - 0.404
  - 0.09
friendly_name: led strip 1
icon: mdi:led-strip-variant
supported_features: 0

i have tried removing and re-adding this to the Tuya app with no sucess.

any help or suggestions would be gratefully appreciated
