Tuya Local stopped working for me

Tuya local stopped working for me a number of days ago, not sure exactly when.

Whilst troubleshooting, I realised that my Tuya development IoT core trial had expired, also that HA is using a IP to connect to my local Tuya devices and that my router had issued new IP’s to them on last reboot.

I have applied to extend my IoT and been granted another 6 months :slight_smile:
I’ve gone into my router and found the new IP addresses for my Tuya devices.

I have also installed tinytuya and run the scan and the wizard, IP addresses match my devices.

I selected one of my Tuya devices in the Tuya Local settings, then select configure and checked the Local Key against the Tuya developer portal (its correct), entered the new IP for the device and then got this error:

Unable to connect to your device with those details. It could be an intermittent issue, or they may be incorrect.

Same with all the Tuya devices I have, Local Key is correct, IP is correct.

What can I do now, to troubleshoot further?

My internet is wireless point to point from Airband (no broadband available in rural location), the Nokia Beacon 2 router is somewhat locked down and I can’t change anything to do with DNS. I have managed to get the DHCP scope reduced, so I have some IP addresses I can use for static devices, not sure if these Tuya devices can be reconfigured with static IP’s? Do they have a local web interface?