Tuya power strip rule

I need some help with a tuya strip with 4 plug and an usb outlet (from ali, [Aliexpress - power strip]), i flashed tasmota on it, but the physical button only switch the first relay. I try some rules but none of them do what i need…

rule1 on switch1#state=2 do power1 toggle endon on switch1#state=2 do power2 toggle endon on switch1#state=2 do power3 toggle endon on switch1#state=2 do power4 toggle endon on switch1#state=2 do power5 toggle endon

with this rule the relays change states regardless the previous state, if they ware 1-1-0-0-1 they will be 0-0-1-1-0 after the rule runs

rule1 on switch1#state=2 do power1 off/on endon on switch1#state=2 do power2 off/on endon on switch1#state=2 do power3 off/on endon on switch1#state=2 do power4 off/on endon on switch1#state=2 do power5 off/on endon

if i use off or on instead of toggle, i can only turn off or on all the relays

is there a way to turn on and off all of them?
