Tuya Scenes lose Voice Assistant on reboot


I use the Tuya Integration to access 2 Cat Feeders, and have scenes set up to trigger them. This works great, they automatically appear in HA and I have them exposed to Alexa via HA (I try to keep all my Alexa integration via HA as I like the control it offers).
All works great. Until I reboot HA. At that point, the scenes are still there, and work, but they are no longer exposed. I can easily go in and simply re-expose, but obviously that is not ideal.

I’m still relatively new to HA, so finding my feet a bit. I did post an issue in the Tuya integration but had no replies, so just wondering if anyone here has any ideas or has resolved similar in the past?


I had an epiphany this morning, and have found a work around (in case it helps anyone else). I’ve created a script which triggers the scene, and exposed the script to Alexa.
I’ve now rebooted 2-3 times and it has kept working, so I think it works.
It’s a bit clunky, if I find some time I’ll try and dig into how HA works and figure out the underlying cause. But at least for now my family won’t keep complaining that ‘feed cats’ is broken again :wink: