Tuya Zigbee 3.0 Temperature And Humidity Sensor not show T/H entities

HI ! I connect via zigbee ( usb dongle zigbee ) Tuya Zigbee 3.0 Temperature And Humidity Sensor with lcd, and luminous intensity sensor. ( model : TS0201 by _TZ3000_qaaysllp )
I see illuminance and power, but not see temperature and hum.
Entity ID : sensor.tz3000_qaaysllp_ts0201_illuminance

What should I do to see temp. and hum. ?
If i add this device to tuya, i see her in tuya app. and iot.tuya, but not view in HA Tuya Devices… Why?

Thankyou for help!

There’s an issue on ZHA where we were trying to figure that out, and we finally did!

There’s a PR open to add it to the ZHA device handlers

I have added the device through a sonoff 3.0 hub. How to add the new endpoint in the init function?