Hi guys,
I have a sonoff ZBpro wotking with HA and I just bought a Tuya smoke detector.
The pairing was easy, but getting the alarm out is the tricky part…
The JSON looks like this:
"ZbReceived": {
"0x94E5": {
"Device": "0x94E5",
"Name": "ZBSmoke01",
"EF00/040E": 2,
"Endpoint": 1,
"LinkQuality": 0
While playing with it, I think the smoke alarm is shown at the “EF00/040E”: 2 field. but the problem is that the field name also changes… I say the following examples:
“EF00/040E”: 2
“EF00/0104”: 0
“EF00/0401”: 0
“EF00/0401”: 1
I know it is always the third field and the prefix stays the same “EF00/”.
Is theres a way to create a template sensor that gets the values from the third field even tho it changes?
Something the the third spot in an array… or something like that?
Thanks guys in advanced!