Twitch Stream Start Notifications

So I’m trying to setup an automation that will send me a notification when a Twitch channel starts to stream. I’ve seen several examples online but none have worked yet. Below is what I’m doing now. It works if I manually run it (and one of the entities is streaming) but doesn’t auto work on it’s own.

- id: '1001'
  alias: Twitch Stream Started
    platform: state
    - sensor.twitchUser1
    - sensor.twitchUser2
    - sensor.twitchUser3
    - sensor.twitchUser4
    to: streaming
      seconds: 30
    service: notify.PushBullet
      title: Twitch Notification
      message: '{{trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name}} is streaming'

Under the action portion, you have data: but it should be data_template: because you’re using a template there.

Anyone know how to get notifications for your own channel please?