Two Home Assistants talking to eachother

Is it possible to get two home assistants talking to eachother? I have my main HA which for some reason will not allow the ZHA to be installed. What I was thinking was a remote HA with the sole purpose of being the zigbee interface. Is this possible?

or use Zigbee2MQTT

Isn’t it better to figure out why you cannot install ZHA? If you create a thread and post some logs I’m sure you will get good help. You could also try Zigbee2MQTT (which you can install outside HA aswell).

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I just installed yet another HA-OS in vmware on debian 12, added my Ikea.Hub in this aswell ( Have it in 3 instances now ) , i have no problems controlling the devices added in the Ikea-hub (added in IKEA-integration) on all instances, states are reflected(obviously)
Thou i have no experience with the ZHA-Integration


The remote HA integration is GREAT if you’re trying to link two FULLY FUNCTIONAL HA installs together. Yours is not fully functional. ZHA is a core integration and if it’s broken core is broken. Remote HA can be complicated on the easiest of installs and you’re adding complexity on top of instability.

If you were in enterprise IT, this is when your support reps gives you ‘that’ look and says why did you do that?

Fix ZHA.

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Could be this

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What Zigbee device do you have so you can enable Zha?

£10 on ebay ZigBee 3.0 Silicon Labs EFR32MG21 Universal Open Source Hub Gateway USB Don B5A5 | eBay

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Well looks like my Zigbee problem was the external SSD. Might have to look at 2 HA talking to each other in the near future when I get working on cameras and HA.

By the way, ZHA does not have to be installed. It is part of core. If you have HA installed then you gave ZHA installed.

Not sure if setting up two HA instances is the way to go. Cameras definitely do not need a separate HA instance.

That is correct Cameras don’t need a separate HA. What cameras need is large capasity HDD running on USB 3.0. This causes no end of problems with Zigbee. The safest way around this is separate the zigbee fr9m cameras/storage.

Yes, but still that does not require two HA instances talking to each other. You could set up Zigbee2MQTT on external hardware (a Pi for example) and that way separate your Zigbee from your HA instance physically.

Or you could share the USB drive from separate hardware (again a Pi or something else) and use it as a network storage drive.

I have not tested the remote HA component so no idea how well it works, but to me it seems like setting up two HA instances just to keep storage and Zigbee separate is over-complicating things.

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