Two MQTT integration?

It is not easy for me to understand. I have Zamel MEW-01 power energy meter. It is connected to Supla cloud. I read all data with MQTT connected to Supla Cloud. But I also have ESP connected to my Junkers boiler. This ESP should write to my local MQTT broker. But when I’m trying to setup MQTT for ESP needs, I got error that only one MQTT integration is possible. Isn’t it possible to have two different MQTT integration with different sources? How can I solve this conflict? I read little about reconnecting Zamel MEW-01 from Supla cloud to local MQTT.

not sure my idea is ultimate one but this is what came to my mind at first considering tools I have at my disposal.

Use NodeRed. It supports as many mqtt brokers as you wish. You have two options there:

  1. Connect to one of those mqtt brokers, create sensors in HA (from within NR flow) and use incoming from mqtt data to update values of those sendors


  1. using NR, replicate selected mqtt topics from the remote mqtt into local mqtt. Then use them with mqtt integration.

create a folder named ‘mosquitto’ inside the HA config folder.
In there create a file named mosquitto.conf with the following content

connection <existing broker name, could be anything you fancy>
address <ip of the existing broker>:1883
bridge_attempt_unsubscribe true
cleansession true
remote_username <privileged user on the existing broker>
remote_password <passord for that user on the existing broker>
remote_clientid <clientname you see on the existin broker when your HA mosquitto connects to it>
try_private true
topic # both

if I remember right in the mosquitto addon configuration you must add the following lines into the customize section

active: true
folder: mosquitto
require_certificates: false

and you must likely restart your mosquitto in Ha … well sure you must do so, since you modified the configuation.

Why ? One broker can handle all your needs.